
Posted: May 15, 2015 in Uncategorized

I found you out.
You thought you were smooth.
You thought you were sharp.
You thought you were smart.
You left too many trails.
You hid only your heart.
Wide open for the world to see.
Secrets exposed.
Spread out at you’re feet.
Before my eyes.
Big bold letters.
Bright colorful pictures.
At my fingertips.
You have fools to help.
But they fool only you.
You trust them.
They betray you.
Old relationships rekindled.
Old insecurities resurface.
New betrayals arise.
I watch from beside you.
I hear all.
I see all.
I know how it will end.
The only fool here is you.
And in the end I will be the one left standing.

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